Check in is at 15:00pm on the day of arrival and check out is at 10am on the last day of your stay.
Each apartment / Studio is smoke free.
We are a no smoking site.
There is one car parking space available per apartment / studio.
If you use the outside area to the rear of the property, please do so with respect for our neighbours and other guests.
Before you leave please put your rubbish and recycling in the outside recycling store at the rear of the property and wash any dishes etc ready for the next guests.
No Hen, stag parties or general parties, respect for other guests at all times. All damage must be paid for, the odd glass is fine. But please report all damage so plans are put in place ready for next guests. CCTV is in operation for guest safety and security.
No hanging of clothes from windows of the building. No washing machine or tumble dryer there is a launderette located: Laundry, Preston, 27-29 Seaway Rd, Paignton TQ3 2NX
Fire Alarm test every Saturday.
Please unplug any electrical items before leaving the apartment, this is to prevent fires from unattended electrical items.